Midwest Ag Solutions logo - young healthy plant vigorously sprouting from the ground to achieve max yield potential from Nutriplant and APSA-80


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Midwest Ag Solutions logo - young healthy plant vigorously sprouting from the ground to achieve max yield potential from Nutriplant and APSA-80

Our success is based on people. They are growers, partners, and neighbors. All people that we are highly motivated to help achieve their goals. We understand that behind every person there is a family they are winning for and our mission is to help you win the best you can. 

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Win More.

Win Better.


You have a million things to worry about. Let our trusted foliar plant micronutrients take some of the burden off your shoulders.


Advanced Science.

Proven Results.


Our advanced foliar plant micronutrients range from seed supplements to grain filling for proven results in the field.


More Growth.

Less Stress.


Promote vegetative growth of the shoot and root, increasing the absorption of essential plant micronutrients and optimizing abiotic stress tolerance.


Increase Yields.

Maximize Profits.


Plant micronutrients maximize your crop potential, increasing their yields and quality. 


Restore Crops.

Protect Crops.


Dramatically increase antioxidants and photosynthesis activity to protect and restore crops against abiotic stress to increase yields.


Check out our 40 years of data

Featured Products

Nutriplant™ SD, SG & SL

Nutriplant™ AG


Promote the growth of beneficial soil microbes, reduce soil compaction, improve soil structure, and increase nutrient availability and uptake by plants.

Support seedling vigor and reduce the impact of abiotic stress on the seedling for increased crop yields.

Stimulate plant metabolism for more activity and growth, and to offset the effects of abiotic stress at critical stages of phenological development for better yields.

See Our Ag Solutions

How can I maximize growth of treated seeds?

How can I minimize effects of abiotic stress?

How can I improve crop yield and ROI?

How can I improve or aid nutrient uptake?

How can I get better crop emergence?

Have another question? Ask us Anything!

Product Differentiation

icon of an outline of a leaf representing the deficiencies corrected in all major crops by Nutriplant AG



We have a complete line of products that compliment NPK fertilizer programs and correct deficiencies in all major crops by foliar plant micronutrients

Icon of a lightbulb with filament representing greater yield and profitability from Nutriplant SG



We invest in technology to create products for precision agriculture to provide greater crop yields and profitability for our clients


Icon of a large cab over agricultural tractor used to spray Nutriplant AG and APSA-80 on crops



Plant micronutrients are one of the fastest growing agriculture markets due to farmers using precision agriculture techniques to produce more while maximizing profits.


Midwest Ag Solutions logo - young healthy plant vigorously sprouting from the ground to achieve max yield potential from Nutriplant and APSA-80

Midwest Ag Solutions

American Made


Our products are 100% Made in the USA and contribute to agribusiness through the development and production of foliar plant micronutrients to increase crop production.


As a pioneer in this product segment, our partner brands continuously carry out research in partnership with universities, research foundations, and industry experts.


young plant vigorously sprouting out of the dirt with Nutriplant AG sprayed on the leaves
field of healthy green corn stalks from reduced abiotic stress and more available nutrients

More Testimonials

What People Are Saying

Experienced farmer happy with the reduced water requirements to achieve target crop yields from using APSA-80

I have been using APSA-80 for over 20 years. Since we are on strict water rationing, the fact that I can still achieve 200+ bushels of corn with 2–3 acre-inches less water is critical. It varies year to year, but my average return on investment is at least $60 per acre.

Stan Evans


Wray, CO

Experienced agronomist happy with the results of reduced soil compaction and irrigation requirements from using APSA 80

Conducted test plots and after positive results recommended trial plots on selected farms. One example is a pecan farm with compacted soil. Irrigation used to take nearly 80 hours, but after using APSA-80 the irrigation time reduced to 20 hours. Water savings was about 40% and yields increased by 20%.

Peter Cabrera


New Mexico

Middle aged farmer happy with his increased yields and higher profits from APSA-80

In a four year, two site study, APSA-80 resulted in significantly increased root depth and crop yield. Corn root depth measured 90%. Root volume increased from 25 to 56% and corn yield increased from 13 to 17%.

Michael Peterson

USDA Agronomist

Greely, CO